Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saturday funnies: 5 Mexican memes to welcome the weekend

How’s everyone’s summer going so far? 

I hope it’s good, but I know that it needs more memes and the accompanying laughs. Why? Because we all need more laughs. It’s literally impossible to have too many. 

I’ve got you covered. Here are some fun Mexican memes so you can laugh while you learn.

Meme translation: “Whoever invented fitted sheets can come fold their bullsh*t.”

What does it meme? How did I know my partner was the one? 

In addition to minor things like being respectful, kind and always listening seriously and without judgment, he can fold a fitted sheet.

Really. I’ve seen him do it multiple times. His method seems logical, but I’ve never been able to reproduce the magic.

I, on the other hand, am more like whoever wrote this meme: if I’m the one to take it out of the dryer — thankfully, I hardly ever am —  that bad boy is getting wadded up, then smashed into submission. 

A Mexican meme about machismo

Meme translation: “‘We used to hunt mammoths’ – a man who’s never cleared his plate after eating.”

What does it meme? Making fun of entitled macho men who pretend to be super manly and nostalgic for a past they’d have never survived in order to justify their poor treatment of women is one of my favorite pastimes. 

A cultural consciousness regarding women’s place in society is growing in Mexico, and humor is a great way to keep it spreading. I recommend the excellent Facebook page “Comentarios de Señores Románticos,” a page filled with screenshots of the creepy but also hilarious messages men send pretty girls even though they are strangers.

Meme translation: “Trump ears.”

What does it meme? Too soon? Not for Mexicans, it’s not.

“Oreja,” by the way, really is the name of that particular pastry. And with that icing on the edge! Mexican ingenuity knows no bounds, does it?

A Mexican meme about sleep deprivation

Meme translation: “Hey, are you sleeping okay?” “What 100-peso bill?”

What does it meme? Okay, the translation is completely literal. But it rhymes in Spanish, see? Even the number of syllables line up!

This ghoul, alas, is every mother. Light on sleep, heavy on trying hard to listen and focus despite it all. “Motherhood Under Capitalism,” I call it.

At least, like everything, we can have a sense of humor about our suffering.

Meme translation: “Sometimes I want to get to the gym, but I prefer to get into things that are none of my business.”

What does it meme? If you’re being particularly “chismoso” — nosy — you might get told “no te metas”: stay out of it. 

But what are humans, if not gossips? We just love drama so much … even those of us who say we don’t. We know it’s a lie. And it’s 100% more fun than running on the treadmill!

Sarah DeVries is a writer and translator based in Xalapa, Veracruz. She can be reached through her website,


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