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Mexico News Daily Reader,
The team at MND hopes that you have enjoyed this past week of our content. Our intent was to help you get caught up on all of the fascinating news and information that we have recently been covering and to help you get to know us better.
We depend almost exclusively on paid subscriptions in order to do what we do. We have cut back dramatically on advertising, have no annoying pop up ads like so many other sites, and do not do affiliated marketing in order to make your reading experience as customer friendly and trustworthy as possible.
But we do need paid subscribers to pay our bills and to continue to invest and produce content each and every day. We are a team of super dedicated and passionate journalists, committed to bringing you the important stories about the country. We sincerely hope that we educated, informed, entertained, and even inspired you with our content this past week, and we would be honored to have you support us by becoming a paid subscriber.
There is so much happening in Mexico and with US/Mexico, Canada/Mexico, and China/Mexico relations that it is truly a fascinating and historic time.
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Thank you,
The MND Team
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