Friday, March 14, 2025

MKT PAID expert expat


“Mexican sexual attitudes are deeply influenced by the country’s strong Catholic heritage and traditional gender roles. The concept of “machismo” demands that men be sexually assertive and pleasure-seeking, while “marianismo” dictates that women be demure, passive, committed, submissive and virginal. This creates a double standard wherein attitudes and societal expectations for men and women are starkly different.”

Jenna Mayhew, New Writer

Mexico has a varied attitude towards sex and relationships – an expat psychologist explains what you should watch out for when dating in the country.

University of Oregon journalism student Lizbeth Solorazno shares the story of an expat from California and how he found his community in Querétaro.

Don’t miss any news. Click here to read all of today’s stories!

If you’ve ever driven in Mexico, you already know about them, and if you already know about them, you already hate them: Beware the asphalt menace.

Photo of the day

¡Feliz día de la Independencia de México! | Photo by Catalina Cobre

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