Thursday, October 17, 2024

What made a motorsport legend invest in 0% alcohol tequila?

Reducing alcohol consumption has gained significant momentum in recent years, particularly among Gen Z. Major beverage companies are already adapting to supply this demand. Casa Lumbre is ahead of the curve having already launched a 0% abv tequila called Almave with the backing of Formula One deity Lewis Hamilton. 

Most pre-existing non-alcoholic tequilas have been made with an attempt to taste like the agave spirit, without using the iconic plant as the raw material. It was important for Hamilton and the Casa Lumbre team that Almave celebrated agave from the start of the process.

Lewis Hamilton and 0% tequila
Hamilton and Iván Saldaña have created the perfect agave alternative to intoxicating spirits. (Almave/Facebook)

Casa Lumbre founder, and master distiller,  Iván Saldaña says, “anyone that wants to make something that tastes like agave should be using (agave),” even if the desire is for something non-alcoholic.  Almave, branded as “beyond proof”, pioneers this perspective. 

It was Hamilton who approached Casa Lumbre with his vision for an agave-spirit he could drink without feeling the effects of alcohol. Hamilton explained to Saldano that if he drank, it was tequila. But he wanted to be able to have a tequila without the impact of alcohol. And he wanted to respect the raw material that is iconic for both tequila and Mexico, agave. 

Together Hamilton and the Casa Lumbre team worked on the concept. Saldaña explains that “creating the sensation of agave spirits, not just taste, was important”. Fortunately, “agave is a very generous raw material.”  

They wanted to rely on the natural ingredient of agave as much as possible, roasting and distilling the plant as you would do in traditional tequila. Fermentation is skipped, which means no alcohol is generated while still allowing the flavor of the agave and traditional cooking methods to be forefront. 

Almave 0% tequila
Almave is prepared using traditional techniques – although the distillation process is removed entirely. (Almave/Facebook)

Saldaña says that he already had a lot of the ideas for how to make a non-alcoholic tequila, but it took working with Hamilton to realize them. Most of the work went to plan, but mastering the nuances of production was a challenge. Particularly varying temperatures and pressures in the process. “The devil is in the details.” 

As they could not rely on the natural preserving qualities of alcohol, they needed to find other ways to make it stable. Fortunately they have succeeded in only using “trace natural preservatives”.Saldaña suggests that unopened it could be fine indefinitely. However, the taste may change. 

Once opened it should be refrigerated and drunk within a few days. This makes it particularly different from traditional spirits when it comes to consumption. 

After two years in research and development they completed the recipes for both a blanco and amber presentation of Almave. These launched in the United States at the end of 2023.

Saldaña explains that it is not all about reaching non-drinkers. The Almave target audience is the “professional drinkers who care about their health.” People who opt into socializing but want to wake up fresh. 

Almave can be drunk straight, over ice as it is enjoyed by Hamilton in the marketing materials. It is also suggested to be an alternative to tequila in a cocktail, or even as an accompaniment. Have a half strength margarita, with Almave to boost the agave flavor. 

Lewis Hamilton with an agave making 0% Almave tequila
The removal of the fermentation process also results in significantly lower calories when compared to traditional spirits. (Almave/Facebook)

As well as the non-alcohol presentation, Saldaña says that Almave also boasts being “6 times less calorific than a traditional tequila.” There are small amounts of natural sugars, which are necessary for adding structure to the mouthfeel. 

As a world class athlete, Hamilton could be a poster for the target audience of Almave. This makes sense, as he is not only the face of the brand, but the backer and the motivation behind its development. 

Hamilton is by no means the first celebrity to get behind agave spirit production. Agave spirits that have been pushed by celebrity backers include Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, George Clooney and Kendal Jenner. In the non-alcoholic category, Danny Trejo has brought one to market.  

Often celebrity brands often have a bad reputation, considered to be mere marketing exercises. However, Saldano, who also collaborates with Lenny Kravitz and Maluma says this does not have to be the case:

“Producers can choose to commercialize by selling out to big companies. Although celebrities also bring money to the table, it is the personal message they bring that is important.  A celebrity that makes environmentally conscious choices will share this through the products they back.”

Saldaña explains that a new concept like Almave, a 0% alc tequila made from fresh agave, is not the most obviously bankable premise. Therefore this is a passion project for Hamilton, creating his vision of a tequila he can drink without the effects of alcohol, and Saldaña, inspired by the chance to innovate a new product in the agave spirit category. 

Although Almave currently leads the way for non-alcoholic agave spirits on the market, and was developed to emulate tequila, it is worth pointing out that there are other interesting products on the way in this field. Saldaña hints at developments in the Almave collection, maybe a mezcal? 

A new-to-market mezcal inspired 0% agave spirit is Tomonotomo. Like Almave, they also work with raw agave. Instead of the blue weber, typically used with tequila, they have opted for tobala. This is a fruity, sometimes floral agave, a favorite with mezcal drinkers. 

While serious agave lovers may have some reservations, the results are difficult to argue with. (Almave/Facebook)

Non-alcoholic agave spirits such as Almave and Tomonotomo are bound to raise a few eyebrows and questions amongst those passionate about the agave category. The price point in particular of non-alcoholic spirits is often one of those queries. Almave comes in at between 36 and 40 USD for the blanco and amber respectively. This is similar to traditional tequilas on the market.

Saldaña defends the price as a reflection of the innovation, man-hours, energy and raw materials involved. He says that 65% of the liquid is direct from the still, which is a higher percentage than many traditional tequilas. Saldano also explains that to support this Casa Lumbre presents Almave as a premium position product, even if 0% tequila seems like a departure from tradition.

Saldaña describes himself as one of the biggest promoters of good agricultural practices. At the same time he believes in more than one approach. This liberal perspective has led him to value innovation in the agave sector and sees a non-alcoholic option that celebrates the raw material as relevant and positive next step. 

He explains that his work “has and always will be polemic” and that sometimes “innovation bothers people.” As long as “we don’t damage nature or erode society we should not stop exploring.” 

Saldaña defines the premise of Casa Lumbre as “a platform to transmit the biology, traditions and culture of Mexico”. This is clear in their earliest products Ancho Reyes and mezcal MonteLobos. From there they have worked on many new concepts and brands. Some of these lean towards the more commercial, but they also push boundaries of the established market. This is what Hamilton and the Casa Lumbre team have succeeded to do with Almave. 

Anna Bruce is an award-winning British photojournalist based in Oaxaca, Mexico. Just some of the media outlets she has worked with include Vice, The Financial Times, Time Out, Huffington Post, The Times of London, the BBC and Sony TV. Find out more about her work at her website or visit her on social media on Instagram or on Facebook.


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