Saturday, February 15, 2025

Trump’s first day in office: 5 executive orders targeting Mexico

Just hours after his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump signed a number of executive orders directly related to Mexico.

At least some of those orders have the potential to have a significant impact on the Mexico-United States relationship, especially in the early period of Trump’s second presidency.

Some of the newly signed executive orders could have a significant impact on the Mexico-United States relationship.
Some of the executive orders signed by Trump yesterday could have a significant impact on the Mexico-United States relationship. (Shutterstock)

President Claudia Sheinbaum said on Tuesday that she will maintain “a cool head” and respond “step by step” to the actions taken by Trump on the first day of his second term.

Here is a summary of five Mexico-related executive orders Trump signed in the Oval Office of the White House on Monday night.

1. Emergency at the United States’ southern border

Trump signed an executive order “Declaring a national emergency at the southern border of the United States.”

“That’s a big one, a lot of big ones, huh?” Trump said after an aide announced the order he was about to sign.

The declaration of an emergency at the United States-Mexico border allows the president to access funding for border wall construction without approval from the U.S. Congress.

In the executive order, Trump said that “America’s sovereignty is under attack.”

“Our southern border is overrun by cartels, criminal gangs, known terrorists, human traffickers, smugglers, unvetted military-age males from foreign adversaries, and illicit narcotics that harm Americans. … This invasion has caused widespread chaos and suffering in our country over the last four years,” he said.

Among the directives Trump issued in his executive order were the following:

  • The deployment of the U.S. military “to support the activities of the Secretary of Homeland Security in obtaining complete operational control of the southern border of the United States.”
  • The construction of “additional physical barriers along the southern border.”
  • The prioritization of “the impedance and denial of the unauthorized physical entry of aliens across the southern border of the United States.”
Construction of the United States-Mexico border wall
Construction of the United States-Mexico border wall at the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in southern Arizona. (Laiken Jordahl/Center for Biological Diversity)

The New York Times reported Monday that involving the U.S. military in border security tasks “would draw immediate legal challenges because of the strict limits in American law for how the armed forces can be deployed inside the country.”

2. Drug cartels could be designated as foreign terrorist organizations

Trump signed an executive order “Designating cartels and other organizations as foreign terrorist organizations and specially designated global terrorists.”

“Within 14 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of State shall take all appropriate action … to make a recommendation regarding the designation of any cartel or other organization described in section 1 of this order as a Foreign Terrorist Organization,” the order said.

The terrorist designation will likely apply to powerful Mexican criminal organizations such as the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

“That’s a big one,” Trump said just before signing the executive order.

“People have wanted to do this for years. So they are now designated as terrorist organizations foreign. Mexico probably doesn’t want that but we have to do it. … They’re killing our people, they’re killing 250,000 to 300,000 American people a year, not 100 [thousand] like has been reported,” he said referring to drug overdose deaths.

A soldier in combat fatigues pours aa large plastic container of gasoline over several large stacked bales of marijuana, in preparation for incineration.
A member of Mexico’s military in Apodaca, Nuevo León, readying to incinerate over 950 kilograms of illicit drugs confiscated from Mexican cartels in December 2024. (Gabriela Pérez Montiel/Cuartoscuro)

Trump’s executive order said that “the Cartels have engaged in a campaign of violence and terror throughout the Western Hemisphere that has not only destabilized countries with significant importance for our national interests but also flooded the United States with deadly drugs, violent criminals, and vicious gangs.”

It also said that “it is the policy of the United States to ensure the total elimination of these organizations’ presence in the United States and their ability to threaten the territory, safety, and security of the United States through their extraterritorial command-and-control structures.”

Asked whether he would consider “ordering U.S. special forces into Mexico” to “take out” cartels, Trump said it “could happen.”

“Stranger things have happened,” said the president, who last year indicated he was open to using military “strikes” against Mexican cartels.

3. Trump orders resumption of Remain in Mexico policy

The 47th U.S. president also signed an executive order entitled “Securing our borders.”

“My Administration will marshal all available resources and authorities to stop this unprecedented flood of illegal aliens into the United States,” Trump said in the order.

In it, he ordered the resumption of Migrant Protection Protocols, as the Remain in Mexico policy was formally known.

Migrants expecting to carry out their asylum process in the United States faced an uncertain future yesterday after Donald Trump signed an executive order indicating a return to the Remain in Mexico policy
Migrants expecting to carry out their asylum process in the United States faced an uncertain future yesterday after Donald Trump signed an executive order indicating a return to the Remain in Mexico policy of his first administration. (Omar Martínez/Cuartoscuro)

The policy, implemented by Trump during his first term as president, required asylum seekers who arrived at the Mexico-United States border to remain in Mexico as they awaited U.S. immigration court hearings. The Mexican government is opposed to the reactivation of the policy, which would appear to hinder Trump’s plan.

In his “Securing our borders” executive order, Trump also ordered the Secretary of Homeland Security to “cease using the ‘CBP One’ application as a method of paroling or facilitating the entry of otherwise inadmissible aliens into the United States.”

An update on the CBP One website states that “effective January 20, 2025, the functionalities of CBP One that previously allowed undocumented aliens to submit advance information and schedule appointments at eight southwest border ports of entry is no longer available, and existing appointments have been cancelled.”

In another executive order — “Guaranteeing the states protection against invasion” — Trump directed that the entry of “aliens engaged in the invasion across the southern border” be suspended “until I issue a finding that the invasion at the southern border has ceased.”

4. Trump orders renaming of the Gulf of Mexico 

In his inauguration speech, Trump declared that “a short time from now, we are going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.”

Around seven hours later, he signed an executive order “Restoring names that honor American greatness.”

In addition to ordering the reinstatement of the name Mount McKinley (the mountain in Alaska was renamed Denali in 2015), Trump directed that the Gulf of Mexico be renamed the Gulf of America.

“Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior shall … take all appropriate actions to rename as the ‘Gulf of America’ the U.S. Continental Shelf area bounded on the northeast, north, and northwest by the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida and extending to the seaward boundary with Mexico and Cuba in the area formerly named as the Gulf of Mexico,” the executive order said.

The order also said that “the area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico has long been an integral asset to our once burgeoning Nation and has remained an indelible part of America.”

5. Trump sets the stage for tariffs on Mexican exports 

Among a large number of presidential actions on his first day in office, Trump also issued an “America First Trade Policy” memorandum.

As we reported here, Trump said on Monday night that his administration could impose a 25% tariff on Mexican and Canadian exports to the U.S. on Feb. 1.

The president’s trade policy memo directed the Secretary of Commerce to “investigate the causes of our country’s large and persistent annual trade deficits in goods, as well as the economic and national security implications and risks resulting from such deficits, and recommend appropriate measures, such as a global supplemental tariff or other policies, to remedy such deficits.”

President Claudia Sheinbaum has said that her government will seek to avert the proposed tariff on Mexican exports through dialogue with the Trump administration.

Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis at Mexico’s Banco Base, said on X on Tuesday that it is “highly unlikely that Trump will impose a general 25% tariff on all products from Mexico, at least not for a long period of time.”

“A 25% tariff would be equivalent to leaving the USMCA,” she said.

“This would mean a structural change for the Mexican economy that would result in a severe recession, job losses, an increase in [employment] informality to rates above 60% and an increase in public insecurity,” Siller said.

She also warned that a 25% tariff on Mexican exports to the U.S. would result in “increases in the exchange rate to historic maximums,” i.e. a significant weakening of the Mexican peso against the US dollar.

For the United States, a 25% tariff on Mexican exports “would mean supply change disruptions, a sharp rise in inflation, a higher interest rate and lower economic growth,” Siller said.

Mexico News Daily


  1. All these executive orders are to cover up what he has no plan on doing that would help the everyday citizen in the USA. How about housing, food prices, health insurance and general inflation? What he’s doing is increasing inflation.

    • They are all politicians and they all lie. He would have to try really hard to match the destruction of the last administration… Let’s see what happens, something needed to change as it was a four year nightmare under Joe.

    • All bluster and blubber so he can tell his ignorant voters, see what I’m doing for you, once again conning them as only the master snake oil salesman can. Hey, Mexico, did you ever pay for that wall! They will actually believe, poor suckers, that he cares about them and is doing something. Most of his executive orders will be held up in courts for years. The jackass doesn’t realize Democrats can play the legal delay game as well but they’re fighting for equal rights and protections under the law for all Americans, not to keep some sorry predator and rapist out of prison.

  2. Donald Trump is a misogynist, a sex offender, a rapist, a pedophile, a pathological liar, a con man, a thief, a racist, an inserectionist and a traitor to his country. He is guilty of everything he has been accused of, not just what he has been charged with. His biggest success was proving to the rest of the world that the United States (per capita) is the dumbest country on the planet

  3. A few more tRump descriptors: Abhorrent, Agitator, Amoral, Angry, Appalling, Arrogant, Asshole, Authoritarian, Autocratic, Back-stabbing, Barbarian, Bigot, Buffoon, Bully, Chaotic, Cheater, Childish, Churlish, Clown, Conspiratorial, Contemptuous, Convicted Fraudster, Convicted Rapist, Corrupt, Coward, Craven, Crazy, Criminal, Cruel, Cynical, Damaging, Dangerous, Dark, Debauched, Deceitful, Deceptive, Decrepit, Degenerate, Delusional, Denier, Deplorable, Destructive, Dictatorial, Disgusting, Dishonest, Disloyal, Disrespectful, Divisive, Dysfunctional, Dystopian, Egotist, Entitled, Evil, Extremist, Faithless, Fake, Fascist, FatDonny, Feckless, Felon, Finagler, Flatulent, Fool, Foul, Fragile, Fucker, Grifter, Hardhearted, Hateful, Homophobic, Huckster, Hypocritical, Idiot, Ignoble, Ignominious, Ignoramus, Ignorant, Ill-mannered, Immoral, Impeached 2X, Impotent, Imprudent, Incompetent, Indecent, Indicted 88X, Ineffective, Insensitive, Insincere, Insurrectionist, Intimidator, Intolerant, Irresponsible, Islamophobic, Lawless, Lecherous, Licentious, Loser, Malevolent, Malignant, Manipulative, Mean, Mentally ill, Misogynist, Mob Boss, Moron, Murderous, Narcissistic, Nihilistic, One-Man-Crime-Wave, Outrageous, Pathological, Philanderer, Poisonous, Predator, Racist, Rancid, Reckless, Reprehensible, Repulsive, Rude, Russophile, Ruthless, Sacrilegious, Seditionist, Selfish, Self-Serving, Sexist, Shameless, Shit-For-Brains, Soulless, Spoiled, Stupid, Thief, Threatening, Traitorous, Transactional, Treasonous, Un-American, Uncaring, Un-Christian, Uncurious, Un-Democratic, Unfaithful, Unfit, Unhinged, Unloved, Unpatriotic, Unqualified, Unserious, Unstable, Untrustworthy, Unwell, Unworthy, Vengeful, Vile, Vindictive, Violent, Weak, Weird, White Supremacist, Xenophobic.

  4. Please explain why housing is so expensive, food prices are high, health insurance is so expensive and “general inflation” exists and then explain why “what he’s doing” is increasing inflation. Exactly which of his executive orders do you contend is inflationary and how? Also explain how letting an estimated ten million people into the United States, giving them “free” health care, “free” housing and putting them in public schools which have to hire extra teachers, including ESL teachers is not inflationary.

    • Oh, please. Obviously you know more than all the leading economists in the country. Can you say, tariffs? The cost will be passed on to you, sweetie, the consumer. Here’s another economic mini lesson for ya. Currently, the US imports a fifth of its food from other countries. Guess the three countries who supply nearly 45% of all US food and beverage imports. Give up? Let me help you out – MEXICO, CANADA AND China. You know, the ones he’s putting 25% tariffs on (Mexico and Canada with a mere 10% on our good neighbor China). And if you’re only worried about the price of eggs, maybe you need to realize that 24% of softwood lumber, used for framing and roofing in new homes and renovations in the US comes from Canada. Think maybe that’s why housing has gone up and will continue to go up? Oh, and for those fruits and nuts who voted to put Trump back in office, enjoy your fruits and nuts because 60% of them are imported into the US.

    • And in regard to immigrants getting “free” health care and “free” schooling, really, really? Guess what, TRUMP lied and told you BS. Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 BILLION in federal, state and local taxes in 2022. $59.4 BILLION was paid to the federal government with the remaining $37.3 going to state and local governments, you know, the money that pays for those schools and health programs. So if you’re a senior citizen who voted for Trump and gets a Social Security check, thank a Mexican.

  5. WOW the TDS is strong in this comment section. A decline in the value of the peso is a great thing for all of us living in Mexico. Securing the boarder is a great thing for the Citizens of the USA.

    • Oh, darling, your Trump fellow isn’t lodged in our heads. What’s lodged in our heads is the destruction of the values upon which our country was founded. If anything is lodged into our heads it’s the fact that so many gullible and ignorant fact denier voters made Trump our new FOTUS (Felon of the United States). And it you know how to use a dictionary, I suggest you look up the meaning of a liberal. Oh, you probably won’t bother so I’ll read it to you: “An individual willing to respect or accept behaviors or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas. Relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, CIVIL LIBERTIES, DEMOCRACY, and free enterprise.” It’s not that I don’t disbelieve in your right to your opinions, I just can’t wrap my head around opinions that are self-serving, racist, misogynistic, and ignorant. And you might want to check the definition of a Christian and meaning of the phrase “What would Jesus do? Or, the Golden Rule. Guess your momma didn’t teach you that last one. It was and is still after 76 years, my go to in dealing with other human beings.

      • Great Post! You hit it on the head.
        Amazing how uneducated on what is happening
        in the U S. They really think they are going to benefit from this self service horror of a person!
        If some if these people like him so much they should come back and not subject
        the Mexicans to them.

    • LOL. TDS refers to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which applies to trump and all his extremely deluded followers that keep believing the completely disproven myths of “election fraud” “replacement theory” “slavery was job training” etc. etc. etc. Believing in things that don’t exist, past the age of kids who believe in Santa C|aus, is a sign of mental illness, obviously a major problem in the USA USA USA these days, thanks to social media propaganda, etc.

      • I live in MX and wish I had a T Shirt saying “trump es Pendejo Loco” so no Mexicans could imagine I support him. He is an embarrassment to the entire world.

  6. Hey Rusty. It’s easy enough to research the accomplishments of the Biden administration, but sadly Trump supporters never do. Biden cleaned up Trump’s Covid mess by passing a number of BIPARTISAN bills which (along with the Fed’s rate hikes) prevented a recession. But the mess would have been far less impactful had Trump not ignored Covid out of the gate. The CDC estimates that because of Trump’s pathetic response that approx 500K more people died than should have, had he responded like other countries around the world

  7. If in fact that happens, then both Canada and Mexico could do up a separate agreement bypassing and leaving the US out in the cold! He wants Canadian Oil, great, we are adding a 30% tariff on it. Take it or leave it!

  8. Hey [email protected] … obviously you are unaware that one of Trump’s many executive orders which he has already rescinded was the Biden order to lower drug prices for seniors. Then he’s going after health care and social security. But to answer your question of how Trump will increase inflation.. TARIFFS!! When Trump tells you the other country pays those tariffs, that is a lie. The US consumers pay those tariffs. And he is about to start a tariff war with all his trading partners

  9. I’m trying hard to keep my hair off fire. I have some hope that, with both Israel and Hamas exhausted, that ceasefire could hold. Ditto for Ukraine. Trump and Rubio are fresh faces, and may have a little better luck. We’ll see.

    As for trade with Mexico, a lot of what goes to the US is fresh produce; a lot of what comes is corn and wheat. Simple and obvious comparative advantage. Manufacturing is more complicated, but the fact is that the economies are integrated — US produces some of the parts of production, Mexico others. There will be instant lawsuits if tariffs are imposed, and the courts may require that the Congress act. But Congress won’t, because it doesn’t make sense.

    There are ways to change the balance of payments. Mexico could just buy a lot of US gas and oil, and ship its oil to other countries. The net benefit to the US would be zero, but the payments could balance better.

    Liberals are people who want the best for everyone and expect their government to help make that happen. If MAGA people are insistent on looking only inward, everyone gets to suffer. So we keep the faith, strive for what’s reasonable, and keep our electoral powder dry.

  10. Bravo contributors Senor Ken and Russell for your insight and wisdom. Contributor Rusty never has had a clue about anything of value… that is why maga boots are so attractive to his empty thought’s. These kooky executive actions is by a single waste of humanity that is a soulless, racist along with his maga filth. Gonna be a long 4 years for those Republicans clowns that just keep on lickin the same old boots🇨🇦🇲🇽😵‍💫

  11. Say what you want about Trump. Mexico must admit is needs help with the cartels and the pervious corruption of public officials and judges who do not do their job, there is no rule of law here. Perhaps Claudia can show she is NOT afraid of assasination by the cartels or cirryot iffjcials. AMLO after much promise was a fraud. Hopefully she is not and together with Trump can save Mexico which is a rich country currently with crooks at all levels, raise up everyone.

    • Claudia, like AMLO IS afraid of assassination. Perhaps she will admit they need help, yet that is going to be a slippery slope. US has SO much corruption to address on their side of the border. Yes, it is different, yet still corruption.

  12. I love Mexico. The people must rise up not about hand outs but corrupt officials who actually work for the Cartels. End all of them and give capitalism a chance to work the people of Mexico.

  13. Regardless of the details, all these order and actions can be filed under the heading Cruelty. They are intended to rob individuals and countries of their dignity. 55% of the US population is in favor and as such are quickly losing all credibility across the globe. If only they were just a laughing stock but this change we are witness to is much more serious and will impact all of us for at least the next ten years.

  14. Just by reducing by millions laborers who are underpaid, a MYRIAD of services and products in the USA will DRASTICALLY increase in cost: hosing, food, etc., etc. And doing it in mass will exacerbate inflation — that’s hat happened when Covid paralyzed economies, ALL economies in the world. Joe was able to control it in the USA — other countries have not done as well. But this ignorant fool wants to ALSO impose tariffs on cheaper Mexican products (MANY PRODUCTS FROM TOMATOES TO CARS, electric parts, concrete, etc., etc.) and that will make MOST products sold in the USA increase prices EVEN MORE. THAT can cause RUNAWAY inflation, and then you may understand inflation causes — maybe, you seem not to understand much. And NO, migrants do not get free health care. Believing that is beyond ignorant.

  15. I agree we’ll be living with this for a long time.
    Picking a favorite politician is like picking a favorite venereal disease. You’re getting screwed and going to live with that decision for a long time.

  16. These orders vary in their intent and impacts. Tariffs are more complicated than Trump – and others – make them out to be, Their impact can be mitigated or amplified depending on currency movements, the price changes by producers and buyers, exceptions, loopholes and non-tariff barriers that are or are not put in place. A blanket tariff is unlikely – usually tariffs are applied to a list of specific products and have specific goals, like protecting a domestic industry. An across the board tariff would be unwieldly, have unintended consequences for both sides, and would essentially end the USMCA. I suspect that this is preliminary to negotiations, both within and between the two government’s. Mexico retaliatory tariffs, especially on guns and ammo can be expected. Changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico is a silly bone thrown to the racists nativists in his coalition and will be ignored by the rest of the world. The Border emergency and the use of troops at the border will be (and as of this writing, is being litigated). we will see. Covert military action against Mexico cannot be ruled out, but if discovered will lead to a national outcry (grito!) and force the Mexican government to at least appear to retaliate (and likely will , if only to parade captured US military on media before sending them home), but again, this may be a rhetorical bone thrown to the warmongering racists in his coalition and Congress.. After being involved in backchannel negotiations for a number of year, what I have seen is public statements while careful negotiations and measured responses actually take place. Trump may be different. In which case, buckle up


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