Wednesday, March 12, 2025

MND PAID technical issues


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Dear MND Reader,

A very small % of our readers have been reporting a technical issue in which they have been unable to read certain articles for the past few days.  They report that, upon clicking on certain articles, they are only seeing the comments, but not the article text.

As such a small % of readers are reporting this, we have not yet been able to find the source of the problem.  To help us troubleshoot, if you have this problem, would you please send an email to [email protected] and tell us:

– Which article had the problem?

– Were you reading the article on your phone or on a desktop computer?

– What search browser were you using?  (Chrome?  Safari?, etc)

Thank you for your support (and patience) in helping us find and solve this problem – and we apologize for those that have had to deal with this inconvenience.


The MND Team

Article comments are back for subscribers, time to join in the discussion! 

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