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Dear MND Readers,
Today is your last day of free access to all of our content. Our goal with this initiative was to share with you all of the exciting news and information across Mexico that we report on each and every day to motivate you to support our efforts and become a paid subscriber. Click here: https://mexiconewsdaily.com/subscribe/
Mexico is at a fascinating moment in its history and Mexico News Daily is your front row seat to all of the action. Whether you are living, working, or vacationing in Mexico, it is more important than ever to be informed and aware of what is going on in the country. In a world of social media that often mixes opinions, news, and personal attacks all together, we are committed to bringing you unbiased and apolitical news. We do so by separating opinions, perspective and news coverage – helping connecting the dots for you to better understand Mexico.
I think that most of us have now realized that the news we get on social media is not in any way “free.” It comes with a significant cost to our mental health, our well being, and our ability to have civil discourse with people we disagree with. It has also brought polarization, negativity, and cynicism to our communities and relationships with people.
You can count on the over 40 dedicated team members at Mexico News Daily to bring you what you need to know about Mexico, but do so in a way that informs, educates, and inspires you. Please support our team’s efforts by becoming a paid subscriber today. We need your support to continue to do what we do each and every day.
Thank you.
Travis Bembenek, CEO – Mexico News Daily
While quarter-over-quarter performance is better than expected, the annual GDP growth from January to March is the lowest Q1 growth since 2020.

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