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According to one analyst, the latest data indicates Mexico’s GDP growth in 2024 won’t be above 1.5%, which is below current economic forecasts.
Ex-Sinaloa Cartel leader “El Chapo” Guzmán’s son was in U.S. federal court Tuesday after turning himself in Thursday to authorities in Texas.
The Women’s Judo athlete thrilled Mexicans on Tuesday as Awiti took Mexico’s first Olympic medal ever in the sport.
Mexican food is some of the best in the world, so it should be no surprise that it also combines perfectly with sushi.
The convenience store conglomerate said it has closed 191 stores in the Tamaulipas city due to violence that has compromised employee safety.
In better news, nearly 40% of businesses surveyed by the American Chamber of Commerce consider themselves to be safer than the year before.
Somewhere between cringe humor and the glorious double entendre sits the ultimate art form: The Mexican dad joke.
Foton Motor, headquartered in Beijing, said its long-term plans include the production of electric vehicles for the North American market.
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