Monday, February 17, 2025

Beloved ‘dichos’: navigating life through Mexico’s folk wisdom

I love dichos, those sayings that we often blurt out to illustrate or lighten the mood in certain situations. In Mexico, it’s not uncommon to hear locals effortlessly pepper their conversations with sayings that seem as curious as they are colorful. To an outsider, these expressions may appear to be amusing linguistic quirks, but in reality, they are profound windows into the cultural fabric that binds Mexicans together. 

Most Mexicans hold a vast repertoire of these nuggets of wisdom. Wrapped within the humor and charm of Mexico’s dichos lies the essence of our identity, and there’s no better way to teach and remind us of our values than through the phrases we’ve heard since childhood.

Beyond their surface humor, each saying carries a wealth of tradition, history and insight. 

In this article, we delve into some of the most popular and endearing phrases, exploring how they reflect Mexican values, beliefs and even the challenges faced by a nation with a complex history.

Remember that dichos don’t translate very well because the humor and recall are in the rhyme, but they are a fun way to practice your Spanish pronunciation and an ace under your sleeve when you need to say something clever.

Cuando el hambre entra por la puerta, el amor sale por la ventana. 

Translation: Love leaves through the window when hunger enters through the door. 

This saying conveys that romantic matters take the back seat when people are struggling to meet their basic needs. In other words, relationships weaken during times of hardship. This reminds people to go out and make a decent living so they can get cozy after dinner. Happy wife, happy life!

Para todo mal, mezcal; para todo bien, también. 

Translation: For every bad [thing], mezcal; for every good [thing] too. 

This saying encourages drinking mezcal on every occasion, from coping with adversity to celebrating the good times. It’s true, mezcal is a wonderful elixir and Mexicans never run out of excuses to drink it. People use this phrase to cheer when sharing a round of mezcal on both good and bad occasions because… why not? 

El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo. 

Translation: The dead to the grave and the living to delight. 

This saying may seem a little dark and impertinent, but its underlying message is a reminder to those grieving the loss of a loved one that they must embrace life again. It encourages individuals to move forward, find happiness, and appreciate the time they have left. While it may sound a bit blunt, it prompts people to shift their focus and take a positive approach to life after loss. 

Tanto peca el que mata a la vaca como el que le agarra la pata. 

Translation: The person who kills the cow is sinning as much as the person who grabbed its leg. 

This dicho conveys that all who are involved in wrongful acts are equally guilty and share the blame with the main perpetrator. It emphasizes that individuals who assist in or contribute to an immoral or illegal action are not absolved of responsibility. It is a reminder to stay a safe distance from people who get into trouble, as being an accomplice is no less of a crime. 

Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo. 

Translation: The devil knows more due to his old age than to being the devil. 

This conveys that knowledge and expertise are acquired through life experiences rather than solely due to one’s innate character or abilities. It reminds us that elders hold a unique wisdom, a profound understanding, and insight that can only be acquired through time.

Now, you can spice up your conversations with a dash of local attitude. Share these with your expat friends so they, too, can chuckle, ponder and appreciate the folk wisdom that shapes the soul of this remarkable nation.

Sandra is a Mexican writer and translator based in San Miguel de Allende who specializes in mental health and humanitarian aid. She believes in the power of language to foster compassion and understanding across cultures. She can be reached at: [email protected] 



  1. I have a dear older Mexican friend who always offered marvelous comments on things. I always thought he was a poet until I ate in a restaurant called Dichos in Queretaro. All his marvelous phrases were printed on the walls. That’s how I learned about dichos. 😀

    • That’s very interesting, Richard! Happy to hear you like Mexican dichos. Which ones do you remember from your friend’s restaurant?

  2. ¡Genial! Gracias.
    Por favor, se puede compartir con nosotros lo que usted sabe sobre la poesía de México? La favorita suya.

    • Hola, Frankie. Siempre me ha fascinado la poesía de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Me impresiona que siendo monja, con el celibato que ello conlleva, comunique con tanto realismo el drama de las relaciones románticas.

      “Al que ingrato me deja, busco amante;
      al que amante me sigue, dejo ingrata;
      constante adoro a quien mi amor maltrata;
      maltrato a quien mi amor busca constante.

      Al que trato de amor, hallo diamante
      y soy diamante al que de amor me trata;
      triunfante quiero ver al que me mata
      y mato a quien me quiere ver triunfante.”

  3. From the point of view of this norteamericano, residente permanent de México, and his esposa, we say ¡qué chiva! a la Sra. Gancz Khan. Fifteen years ago, when we first settled in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, we quickly learned from our two Spanish teachers that dichos “are profound windows into the cultural fabric that binds Mexicans together” and that “(w)rapped within the humor and charm of Mexico’s dichos lies the essence of (Mexican) identity”. One of our teachers was a master of dichos, having one for any and every situation. He said he had learned them from his mother, of course. May all “expat(s)…ponder and appreciate the folk wisdom that shapes the soul of this remarkable nation.” ¡Qué padre!

  4. Next, I would like to see la Sra. Gancz Kahan write about Mexicans’ “colorful” interjections and malas palabras.

  5. Thanks again for this revealing article. My parents were Mexicans and like in so many North American households I did not learn Spanish at home. I remember hearing these dichos but I never understand them.

  6. One of my favorites; “No hay mal que por bien no venga.” Rough translation: No matter how bad something may seem, there will be some good to come of it. This dicho, which I learned growing up in Mexico City, has helped me cope with some bad times, especially my divorce.

    • So true, Robert! Thank you for sharing this wise saying. It sure boosts morale when the going gets tough. Makes us feel hopeful and creatively seek how the rough patch was actually a good thing. I’m glad it helped you!

  7. Thank you for these dichos!
    I have also used the book “Mexislang” to become more aware of street slang. It’s advised that I use those words and phrases judiciously, if at all.

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