Sunday, January 26, 2025

Santander offers ATM withdrawals without the need for a card

Customers of Santander no longer need a debit card to withdraw funds from an ATM.

The bank has introduced a new mobile app that allows users to access their bank accounts without the hassle of inserting a debit card into a cash machine, joining the ranks of Bancomer — which introduced a similar feature in 2017 — and other banks around the world.

Santander representatives explained that with the push of a few buttons on a smart phone screen, users will receive a reference number and password, which they will then be able to type in to an ATM to access their bank account, adding a measure of personalized security.

The bank said the service can be used at any of its 8,700 ATMs throughout Mexico, each of which have been updated to include a special button to access the feature, in conjunction with the Santander SuperMóvil app, granting customers the ability to make as many transactions as desired up to a daily limit of 5,000 pesos (US $257).

Representatives highlighted that there is no extra charge to use the card-less feature and that so far, over 64,000 customers have used the new service.

Alhough the feature is relatively new in Mexico, card-less apps have been been available in other countries, such as the United States and much of Europe, for several years.

Source: El Economista (sp)

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