According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mexico is on several “top 5” lists nobody wants to be on.
On Tuesday, the WHO released its latest COVID-19 Epidemiological Update studying the 28-day period ending on July 21, 2024. Mexico is No. 5 in test positivity rate globally, No. 5 in new ICU admissions and it remains fifth in total number of COVID-related deaths.

The steady increase in cases has prompted health experts in the country to urge the public to resume wearing masks.
The WHO’s report reveals that 31% of the 85 participating countries reported elevated SARS-CoV-2 activity. Elevated activity is defined as anything above a 10% test positivity rate.
Mexico is fifth on this list after seeing a 37% test positivity rate during the most recent 28-day period. This number trails only the Republic of Moldova (75%), Belgium (67%), Switzerland (40%) and Spain (39.3%).
Mexico was among eight Latin American countries that saw new cases increase by more than 50% during the latest reporting period.
The WHO also revealed that among the 40 countries consistently reporting new hospitalizations, 21 registered an increase of 20% or greater in hospitalizations during the past 28 days compared to the previous 28-day period. Mexico is eighth on this list as new hospitalizations rose from 243 to 606 patients.
Among the 28 countries consistently reporting new ICU admissions, seven countries showed an increase of 20% or greater in new ICU admissions. Mexico is fifth on that list, too, with an increase greater than 100% as ICU admissions rose from 11 during the May 27-June 23 period to 24 during June 24-July 21.
Mexico also reported 2,152 new COVID-19 cases during the most recent 28-day reporting period, the third-most in the Americas behind only Colombia (2,892) and Canada (2,191). The 2,152 new cases were significantly higher than the 653 new cases reported during the May 27-June 23 period.
Mexico also ranks fifth in the world in total number of COVID-related deaths with 334,958 victims. Only the United States (1,219,487), Brazil (711,380), India (533,570) and Russia (402,756) have seen more COVID-related deaths than Mexico.
With reports from El Financiero and Infobae
Why doesn’t the WHO tell the truth instead of scaring people all the time. If you notice it is an election year in the US, Covid scare again same as in 2020 election year.
Of course, why didn’t we all see that ; it’s an election year in USA so they’re organizing a world wide conspiracy to pretend that there’s Covid around the world- brilliant and dastardly !!!
This is not a hoax! You people are so ignorant or just plain blind to the truth! Sorry, but you must be Republicans! My daughter just called me this morning to let me know that she, her fiancé and several of her friends that had attended a small party a couple of weeks ago all came down with Covid because one of them had it and didn’t know it. She just came out of her two week quarantine! Wake up and smell the truth and stop with the “Conspiracy Theorie!” GEEEZE!!!!
Keep on “pretending”…..that it doesn’t exist. Talk to the people who get it and those families who continue to loose loved ones due to covid.
Everything is not politically motivated! If you want to take your chances, then just don’t take these government recommendations to resume wearing masks! Stop bitchin’!!!
This is about Mexico! What does this have to do with the US election?! Really ?? Where is the conspiracy?
Don’t where a mask or get your booster and take your chances. You can’t fix stupid.
Correct its sad
This is an article about Mexico. Just FYI …..
It would be nice to get the truth from the WHO, China and other countries who value monetary relations more than honesty and the health of their citizens.
Good luck to you… you’ll need it
Why does the most vaccinated nation in the world, the USA, have the most deaths?
What are you talking about? Please send data.
Data on what? Do you have a computer or smartphone? It’s pretty darn easy to read congressional sworn testimony and reports if you do…
Stop asking reasonable questions… You will be chastised by the government and others… When I heard Dr Fauci say that the six foot rule was just an educated guess with no tested science behind it and that masks unless they were all N95 and worn properly (nobody wore them properly) did not stop the transmission, I felt betrayed. There was so much loss of credibility for the WHO and CDC that it may take a generation for them to recover credibility.
Rusty, the medical facts are these: no mask or method will STOP transmission, just like seat belts in cars will not prevent death or serious injury – HOWEVER – all will greatly reduce transmission, death or injury.
Take the 6 foot suggestion – same notion. Would you rather have an infected person cough directly in your face, or would you be safer (not safe) by being a distance away.
Regarding the masks, again its a matter of degree. An ordinary mask will reduce exposure by around 50% – an N95 from 80-90% in reducing exposure. This is HUGE. Reducing exposure and infection by even 50% is important.
Think about it – do you cover your mouth when you cough? I hope so. It will not STOP transmission, just reduce it – and remains a good idea.
There’s no betrayal here, just the ignorance of the general public relating to medical issues. Speaking as a medical researcher here.
If you actually read the article the death counts are a total of the entire time period since Covid was realized!
Not sure where you get your data…please share..
If you want to take your chances, then just don’t take these governments recommendations (Mexico, etc…) and don’t wear a mask! Stop bitchin’ !!!
My wife and I avoided getting COVID-19 until two weeks ago in La Paz, BCS, Mexico. I believe I contracted it from being in a very small pharmacy for just a few minutes and several people entered behind me. I hadn’t started masking again but I wish I had.
We’re not quite back to 100% yet — still congested and coughing. I’ve had two negative tests but my wife had a faint positive test result today. We didn’t have to go to the hospital but this illness has not been a picnic.
More fear pron!
Okay, viruses go through masks. Why is this fallacy still being promoted? If you’re not feeling well at all, stay home.
2152 new cases out of a population of 131,000,000 and they are getting alarmed? .00000016%
Confuse and scare people to death with a lot of “faked news” to create more panic is the technique that the Democrats are using to win the election for Harriss. These people will “fry in HELL one day. God will punish them and anyone else involved, You only prolonging the agony of HELL in your earthly life. NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT. The American people are too smart to fall for this “TRAP”. It will backfire in November with a defeat of the Harris ticket. IN GGOD WE TRUST NOT YOU”
They are not concerned about the number, rather the trend. A 50% increase is an important warning – not to mention that most of the occurences are not reported. This means that a wave will ensure, as before.
MND. Thank you for publishing the data and comparisons to other counties. Given the feedback from your readers, is it time to curate their comments to those relevant to the news or is it time to pull this post down altogether? Very strange and unusual responses compared to normal in MND
Strange indeed