A Veracruz lawmaker who identifies as non-binary wants schools in the state to adopt a gender-neutral uniform policy.
Veracruz state Deputy Gonzalo Durán Chincoya said a gender-neutral uniform should be promoted in schools and that students should be able to dress in line with the free development of their personalities.
“Let’s get rid of this prejudice, this prototype, this binarism of man and woman. We are just simply people and as people todas, todos and todes have the right,” Durán said, using the feminine, masculine and non-gendered terms for “everyone.”
“It’s part of the free development of the personality. Schools should work on these issues to keep up with the times and respect identities, [personal] expressions and above all to contribute to the free development of the personality,” the lawmaker added.

Durán said the issue shouldn’t generate conflicts as they are rights stipulated in human rights law, calling on students to “Go as you self-identify.”
Durán cited the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), which has recommended that schools allow students to choose the uniform and hairstyle that is most comfortable for them, whether that be pants or skirt, long hair or short hair. This month, a new Conapred recommendation also advised that students should be allowed to dye their hair, if they choose.
It isn’t the first time Durán has taken a stand on gender issues. Before taking a seat in the Veracruz Congress in November last year, Durán asked reporters to be referred to by the neologism diputade, rather than the masculine diputado or feminine diputada.
At the time, Durán also advised the media to use the non-gendered pronoun elle instead of él.
With reports from Al Calor Político