Benito the giraffe, who has endured harsh living conditions in a city park in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, will soon be on his way to Puebla’s Africam Safari wildlife conservation park, following a court order requiring his mandatory transfer.
The decision is the result of litigation initiated by the activist group Save Benito, against the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Profepa) and Ciudad Juárez Central Park.

Since the 3-year-old giraffe arrived in Ciudad Juárez’s Parque Central in May, 2023, Benito has reportedly endured poor conditions, without shelter from the sun, or cold, rain and snow.
The judge gave Profepa and Central Park a minimum of 24 hours to report on the transfer, or face a fine of $10,374.00 pesos (US $615).
Earlier on Monday, Save Benito shared on the X social media platform that personnel from Africam Safari had arrived at Central Park to facilitate Benito’s transfer to Puebla, and that Profepa had officially notified Africam Safari of the decision to transfer Benito to its new home.
“I am very pleased to inform you that I have just had a call with the head of Profepa, Blanca Mendoza, who has confirmed that Puebla will be the new home of Benito the giraffe,” Sergio Salomón, Governor of Puebla, shared on X.
“We will be attentive at all times to the well-being of our new friend,” Salomón added.
It is not yet known when Benito will begin his journey to Puebla.
With reports from El Universal, Aristegui Noticias and Animal Político
Speaking of the mañaneras…. What happened to the weekly summary of the Mañaneras??? I used to look forward to the summary every weekend. This used to give me insight into what is going on in Mexico. I am so disappointed that the new owners of MND have cut out this section of the news. Of course, there isn’t a lot of news in this publication anymore… It’s mostly monetized now… The articles are clearly endorsements and promotions for businesses run by non-Mexicans in the gringo enclaves. It is clear the new owners have no idea what the lives of most Mexicans are all about.