Saturday, September 7, 2024

Three more bureaucrats sanctioned for Paso Express errors

Three more public officials involved in the construction of the 14.5-kilometer Paso Express highway have been sanctioned by the Secretariat of Public Administration (SFP).

The federal department has now identified 11 people who were responsible for errors and omissions that led to the formation of a sinkhole in the highway in July last year, killing a father and his son.

The SFP said yesterday that three personnel at the federal Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT) “did not heed the warnings made by neighbors, a group of lawyers and local authorities about detected dangers in the public works project . . .”

The three former employees are barred from occupying a government position for 10 years.

Two months ago, the SFP imposed similar sanctions against seven SCT employees and one from the National Water Commission. It said they had “engaged in negligent and unlawful conduct during the construction of the public works project” and were guilty of “diverse administrative irregularities in the execution of the [highway’s] contracts.”

Source: Milenio (sp)

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