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Lawmakers begin debate Wednesday on US $1.98 billion in changes to President Sheinbaum’s budget, including big cuts to the judiciary and INE.
As international attention builds, Sheinbaum continues to deflect praise and seeks to limit public discourse with Trump.
The tourism fee, originally planned to be applied to passengers of foreign cruise ships starting in January, won’t go into effect until summer of 2025.
The houses withstood flooding during Acapulco’s tropical storm season in September and October, including during Hurricane John.Â
The Red Sox baseball team have announced two regular-season MLB exhibition games versus the Monterrey Sultans in 2025.
QuerĂ©taro has implemented 28 public programs adapted to lifelong learning principles that have reached over 1.7 million participants.Â
Time in Mexico can be pretty flexible in terms of punctuality, but there are some things that even Mexicans aren’t late for.
The multiple Michelin starred chef is working in Zihuatanejo — and now he wants to teach you how to be great in the kitchen.
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