Sunday, January 19, 2025

MKT PAID latest news


“A decree signed by López Obrador in which various articles of the Mexican Constitution were declared to be “reformed, added to” or “repealed” was published in the government’s official gazette, four days after the Senate approved the judicial reform bill and three days after a majority of state legislatures ratified it.”

MND Staff

On Sunday, President López Obrador signed the controversial bill into law hours before delivering his final u0022Grito de Independenciau0022 as president.

The bill, which will now be considered by the Senate, aims to define the National Guard as a professional security force that is part of the military.

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Rosa Icela Rodríguez told reporters Tuesday at President López Obrador’s press conference that his term has brought Mexico lower crime and poverty and more trust in government.


Sitio Arqueológico de Mayapán | Photo from @santiago_arau

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