Friday, February 14, 2025

A wish list for President Claudia Sheinbaum from our CEO

I wrote this column shortly after Claudia Sheinbaum’s landslide electoral win in June and have decided it’s relevant to re-publish it now, four days after Mexico’s first female president took the oath of office.

I am excited about Mexico’s future and am hopeful and optimistic that President Sheinbaum will do well in leading the nation. However, I’ve come up with a wish list for her term based on what I think are important issues for the country that she will need to address.

Claudia Sheinbaum and Travis Bembenek
During the presidential campaign, Travis had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Claudia Sheinbaum. (Courtesy)

Be a president for all Mexicans

Make it clear with some initial gestures that you will be the president of all Mexicans.  Unfortunately, AMLO’s leadership has been characterized as accelerating the polarization in politics in Mexico. As we have seen in other countries around the world, this is not productive nor healthy for the future of the country. Demonstrate that you will take immediate steps to reduce the polarization in Mexican politics by taking into account important priorities from the opposition candidates.

Make it clear how your leadership will differ from AMLO’s

On day one, make it clear if and how your leadership and policies will be different than AMLO’s. One of the biggest concerns and complaints from people who disagree with AMLO’s policies is that they think you will be a “puppet of AMLO’s” and not act independently. Be specific in telling us how you will be different.

Be proactive on nearshoring

Recognize the massive opportunity that Mexico has for foreign direct investment (FDI) with the nearshoring trend and make it clear that Mexico is open for business and investment.  Understand that the investment is not guaranteed and must be earned with the trust of businesses, entrepreneurs and investors.

Don’t hold on to the “super peso”

Understand that a strong peso — although politically popular — is not necessarily a good thing for Mexico and many Mexicans. Do not link your administration’s success to the strength of the peso.

Make changes to improve security

Take serious, innovative steps towards improving the security situation in the country.  Understand that there is nothing holding back Mexico’s potential more than both the perception and unfortunate reality of violence throughout the country.

Make Mexico a leader in renewable energy

Be bold with a vision to make Mexico a world leader in solar power generation and water reuse and recycling technologies. Mexico needs to show strong leadership in these areas and every peso invested here will pay tremendous dividends to future generations of Mexicans. Inspire us with your experience and leadership in this area.

Re-engage with the global community

AMLO wrongly pulled back on participating in global leadership gatherings. Mexico’s voice and leadership on global affairs is more important than ever. Be crystal clear on the strategic importance of a strong free trade agreement in which the U.S., Canada and Mexico are aligned and cooperating on global trade issues, especially in regards to China.

Address infrastructure gaps

The infrastructure investments made in the southeast during AMLO’s term have been impressive. However, there are still significant infrastructure improvements needed in the north and central parts of the country to accelerate nearshoring investments. Not urgently addressing this will ultimately hurt Mexico’s ability to fully take advantage of this opportunity.

Re-think public companies

Reconsider the role of the Mexican government in areas where private enterprise can help fund and accelerate growth. The state-run companies of CFE and Pemex are unfortunate examples of what can go terribly wrong when the government attempts to run companies.  Take a hard look at what can be done to improve these businesses, consider how private investment can help, and reconsider AMLO’s recent moves to have the government involved with building airports, highways and operating Mexicana airlines, etc.

Think big and bold

Inspire confidence from everyone in the country. Surprise your critics with your ability to think and act beyond your political party. Mexico has a historic opportunity given the current geopolitical situation worldwide. It truly is Mexico’s opportunity to shine – but you have to believe it, make all Mexicans believe it and make the world believe it!

Below you will find more MND coverage of President Sheinbaum’s first days in office:

Travis Bembenek is the CEO of Mexico News Daily and has been living, working or playing in Mexico for over 27 years.


  1. AMLO neglected the Federal highway system and it is in very poor condition as a result. I recall seeing somewhere that spending on Federal roads dropped to 60 percent of previous levels.

    Nearshoring requires good roads and other infrastructure. Tourist trains do not make up for potholed and dangerous roads. Take a drive between GDL and Juarez for a real eye opener in just how bad Mexican roads are. We’ve lived here 16 years and aside for some construction of very pricey toll roads the overall condition of the roads we travel on regularly has gone down badly.

    The U.S. has shown how to fund and build quality roads. Mexico needs to emulate this model.

    • Gee amigo! Sorry to hear your perspective! Here in Michoacan the roads have never been better!:And I’m talking from 40+ years of experience! I was here when there were no paved roads hardly at all! I have seen increased infrastructure spending on highways for years and it shows! Now President Sheinbaum has promised to repair all of the potholes in the federal system so I hope the issues in your neck of the woods are resolved soon!

      • Why such a cheeky response to Daniel’s concerns? The fact that the President said that she would attend to the issue indicates that she shares his concerns.

    • Oh yeah, and on my recent viaje to California the 5, 10 and 91 freeways were much worse than what we have here in Michoacan!

    • The road in Baja California are getting worse specially in the north part of Baja highway 1 .
      Also really narrow stoping some to drive down with RV for the winter .
      Last time I was driving south with 40 foot RV I have to drive some parts at 5 mph and I lost my driver side mirror with a semi, cause of potholes and no shoulder even parts of the white line missing with the pavement .

  2. For me, nothing has a higher priority than increasing the use of renewable energy sources AND cleaning and protection of fresh water resources, including recycling and reusing. Nothing will be sustainable without consistent and equitable access to clean water.

    • Renewable energy is a waste of money with all the problem they have, it only good for corporations .
      In BCS we have lots of construction and the electricity fail often and more at night when lots of AC are turn on
      The new generation of nuclear power plant is much better, in Europe where they turn to renewable energy and close the nuclear plant they realize it doesn’t work and reopen coal power plants.
      Renewable energy is not green creating lots of pollution to get minerals and transform it.

      • Exactly. It is an Opinion/Editorial piece, which I found quite interesting. That is what newspapers do, especially after an election. Chill out Paula K.

  3. Any country that can’t repair pot holes consistently on all roads like Mexico says alot about everything else need I say more not complicated

  4. You talk about improving the roads and that is a good idea. But nothing is being mentioned on how to reduce the poverty What is the government going to do for the “poor”? If the government is going to “increase spending on the roads, that leaves nothing for the poor. Include the “poor” in all your planning and in your “priorities”. For example, to maintain the new Mayen Train, the government has to keep supporting that big “white elephant” that Obrador decided to build thus, shortchanging the “poor again. “. Don’t start any new “pet projects” so the some revenue can be used to reduce the overall poverty level in Mexico. Big investments by foreigner means “lower wages” to attract them to Mexico. and this just keeps increasing the “poverty”.

  5. Americans enjoying a good life in Mexico and being treated well — and they want to tell the president what to do?! That’s like being invited to dinner and telling the gracious host that what they served wasn’t up to your standards, and then giving them advice on what they SHOULD be cooking.

    I’m with you paulakalochi!

  6. If you don’t want to learn somone learned in Mexico life, culture and business like Travis, don’t subscribe. Opinion doesn’t mean you agree but you might learn something by listening…..check you dictionary on opinion “a view or judgment”. And the attitude you should not question or suggest alternatives to political leaders is naivete of the highest order. For my $.02, I liked Travis’ suggestions when first published and like them today….except he did not mention water management and resources. David Lea

  7. Nothing in the CEO’s “advice” regarding poverty, grotesque inequality, workers rights, women’s rights — just the same old, tired neoliberal boilerplate…that was, at least in electoral terms, was roundly defeated.

  8. Dear Travis,
    You’ve been consuming too much conventional media or keep hanging out with your well to do Mexican friends.

    Polarization??? The only Mexican people that feel polarized are the privileged ones, which sums up about 20%. The rest of Mexicans are extremely happy with the changes AMLO made in this country. Business men, banks, and other elites have made loads of money. So in essence, the people who lost their privileges are upset and they use the media daily to bash the previous and current government. Wake up Travis.

    • You lost me at business “men”. In case you hadn’t noticed the new President is a woman. And there are an awful lot of CEO’s and business “women” in Mexico too.

  9. Travis, I think to publish a wish list to give to the President requires a little more case building. Why should these items be prioritized and who does each wish list item serve? There seems to be an underlying tone that the US is a model that should be followed blindly including foreign policy. I think this needs to be cleaned up. Mexico has an opportunity to lead the Americas in many areas.

  10. What’s really shocking but not a surprise, is the omission of any measures to eliminate the violent Cartels that are prevalent throughout Mexico…

  11. Travis is entitled to his opinion, and that’s what it is, an opinion. And we all are entitled to ours. Regarding these points, there is an old saying “Don’t tell me it’s raining, tell me how to make an umbrella”. So an opinion list needs to be accompanied by a how to do it list.
    Poverty is not a problem, it is the result of a problem. The problem is a lack of education. The government needs to spend money to improve this at all levels. In Mexico you have to pay to go to high school. The poor can’t afford this, so the cycle continues. Mexico has been very conservative after the monetary collapse decades ago. As such, the government has tried to avoid debt. But debt is repaid by higher paying jobs, through a variety of existing taxes, I.e., sales tax.
    The first step is in construction. Construction has the best opportunity for higher paying jobs for undereducated workers. The government has to change its position on bank lending. Mortgage money has to be made available on par with other countries. The USA builds about 3 million new houses a year. If this is coupled with trade schools in Mexico, you now have education working effectively with capital markets.
    I’m sure those who have posted, have good ideas on solution. Let’s hear them.

  12. Travis is clearly pushing the right wing media’s narrative that he’s so beholden to. It’s a shame that you are using this platform to ignore the never seen advances in this country by the previous and now current government. Remember something, the oligarchs and special interest groups run conventional media, which are mostly false claims, accusations and belittling the government. Although these groups are the minority (20% of Mexicans) they run the narrative.

  13. As for Security; What happens to Mexico Economy and Unemployment if President attacks Cartel crops and Labs?

  14. It would be nice if CFE was investigated to find out why our power is cut evey day. It’s exhausting, and for sure one day my appliances will short out. My guess is that clearly Mexico doesn’t have sufficient power for the country and remote towns like ours are cut off.

  15. Renewable energy is a waste of money with all the problem they have, it only good for corporations .
    In BCS we have lots of construction and the electricity fail often and more at night when lots of AC are turn on
    The new generation of nuclear power plant is much better, in Europe where they turn to renewable energy and close the nuclear plant they realize it doesn’t work and reopen coal power plants.
    Renewable energy is not green creating lots of pollution to get minerals and transform it.

  16. The road in Baja California are getting worse specially in the north part of Baja highway 1 .
    Also really narrow stoping some to drive down with RV for the winter .
    Last time I was driving south with 40 foot RV I have to drive some parts at 5 mph and I lost my driver side mirror with a semi, cause of potholes and no shoulder even parts of the white line missing with the pavement .

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