It seems even cows like to take a bit of time off and enjoy a visit to the beach.
A Webcams de México camera caught the vacationing cow at Playa Blanca in San Carlos, Sonora.
The webcast shared by the service on social media shows the cow taking a stroll on the beach and wading occasionally into the shallow waters, perhaps looking for a respite from the heat.
¿Habían visto una vaca disfrutando de la playa?
¡Nos encontramos una acua-vaca
nadando en el mar de #SanCarlos, Sonora!
@SawariSc @PlayaBlancaSC @ocvguaymas
— Webcams de México (@webcamsdemexico) June 4, 2019
“Have you ever seen a cow enjoying the beach? We found an acua-vaca [cow is vaca in Spanish] swimming in the sea off San Carlos, Sonora!” the webcam service wrote on Twitter.
The cow became an instant star on social media, where one commenter asked: “What does a vaca do at the beach? Go on vaca-ción!”
Others gave the beach-going cow nicknames, with the most popular being vaquita marina, in reference to the endangered vaquita porpoise endemic to a small area of the Gulf of California.
Source: El Universal (sp)