At her morning press conference on Tuesday, President Claudia Sheinbaum responded to some of the executive orders signed by Donald Trump on the first day of his second term. She also spoke about Trump’s deportation plan and the decline in migrant arrivals at the Mexico-U.S. border.
Here are some of the president’s key quotes from her Tuesday mañanera.
On Trump’s declaration of an ’emergency’ at the US southern border
“It’s not something new. [The same thing] occurred in 2019. … At that time there was cooperation between the government of the United States of President Trump and the government of Mexico of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. So it is not something new.”

On Trump’s order for the resumption of the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
“We have our own immigration policy but we’re also a humanitarian government. If there is a person at the border, we act in a humanitarian way, even more so now because it’s so cold. We’re not going to leave people exposed to the elements. So we act in a humanitarian way and in the case of foreigners we seek repatriation to their countries.”
On Trump’s plan to designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations
“They can act and must act in their territory. … Criminal organizations that sell fentanyl and other drugs also operate inside the United States. So, in their territory, they act. With respect to Mexico, [we stand for] the defense of our sovereignty and always seek dialogue for cooperation without subordination.”
“We all want to combat drug cartels, that is clear. So what do we have to do? We have to coordinate efforts and collaborate — them in their territory and us in our territory.”
On Trump’s order to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America
“For us it continues being the Gulf of Mexico and for the whole world it continues being the Gulf of Mexico.”
On Trump’s plan to deport large numbers of immigrants
“Mexicans in the United States support a large part of the United States economy, and the U.S. government knows that. [But] in case of deportations, [the deportees] are welcome here. Besides, Mexico is a growing country, a country in development. … We’ll embrace Mexicans [deported from the U.S.]”
On the decline in migrant numbers at the Mexico-US border
“The pressure from migrants has decreased a lot at the northern border. In fact, no [migrant] caravan has arrived. Since we took office in October no caravan has arrived [at the northern border].”
* Read more about Sheinbaum’s response to the initial actions taken by Trump in this MND article.
By Mexico News Daily chief staff writer Peter Davies ([email protected])
So proud that I got my Mexican citizenship. I love this country with all my heart. The greatest thing in Mexico is the warmth of its people. I never say I’m an American. I chose to become Mexican. Therefore, I am Mexican.
I say that now I am an “Ex-Gringo”. That’s always good for a laugh.
Please post details!
I watched Claudia on youtube giving the speech. Loved the way she said, “cabeza fria” she is a very interesting speaker.
Claudia has done nothing to stop cartels, stop fentanyl or stop the flow of illegal immigration into the US. Now Trump will do what she won’t.
You are a Fascist who speaks of the DUMBEST most EVIL Country on the Planet, USA. GET OUT.
Wow A.K.! Is Jim’s statement not true?
Wow…there’s some hate filled rhetoric!
I agree AK. If foreigners do not like it here they can always leave and go back to where they came from or go to some other country like Panama.
Thank you. Calling out this creepy nonsense needs to be done.
As the President of Mexico has stated, migration is way down (much lower than during the last two years of Trump’s term). Making a show of troops at the border and his careless abandonment of legal amnesty for immigrants is all about focusing on his shallow political optics, not about any current ’emergency’ along the southern border. With regard to fentanyl, he would be better served addressing the market demand in the U.S. rather than attempting to be the classless and careless bully that is his only mode of operation.
You are only in Mexico because you can’t afford to live in your own country. Shame!
that was a very ignorant comment. who are you to judge “anyone”? what are you some trustfunder baby attempting to be something that you are not? and honestly, “why the f#^k do you care why anyone is living in mexico?
maybe its to get away from worthless deranged disrespectful selfentitled karens like you……eh.
You had better be careful that you don’t get shipped to NOB
It seems to me the cartel problem is only tangentially related to the acknowledged addiction problems north of the border. Eliminating addiction all over the world solves NONE of the problems with cartels. They’ll morph into a different line of “work” overnight.
The cartels have got to be eliminated for Mexico to realize her rightful dream of a great and respected nation.
Basically every industry operates like a cartel these days, rather have another carrot cartel than a drug cartel. What you’re proposing as a problem doesn’t actually seem like a good reason to abandon addressing addiction.
I am very happy to be a Permanent Resident of Mexico as well as a Canadian Citizen 🇲🇽🇨🇦🌈
You have the best of both worlds
As a citizen of the United States, I fully support the statements and stances of the President of Mexico.
I am a Mexican Canadian now with my INE. I am married to a Jarochita and have been here near 20 years now.
I am very happy with 4T and particularly so with Presidenta Sheinbaum. She is a voice of reason as opposed to the loud mouthed bully Trump.
As to the Bully’s executive orders
– Border Crisis and deportation of immigrants. Who will work in the fields and do the jobs the fat lazy Gringos do not want to do.
– Designating Cartels as Terrorist Organisations is a dicey game. By all means hit them hard north of the border. But stay out of México. Cutting the heads off Cartel snakes here will just generate more snakes. You will have no more success here than you did in Afghanistan. You will eventually crawl out of here with your tail between your legs. Stopping Fentanyl and Meth won’t stop your addiction problems. That is a result of your failed economy where you have ever rich and Uber poor but no middle class
– Possible Tarrifs. Even first year students of economics realize that tarrifs are at best a short term solution. As well they understand that tarrifs will hurt the Gringos most of all.
With his pardoning 1500 Jan 09 convicted criminals the Bully Trump is making a mockery of your hard won Legal System that is respected all over the world.
Beware Gringolandia you are playing with fire and will surely get burned. Also remember China is watching and patiently waiting. They are laughing quietly as they watch the Bully flail about. They know he is only 4 years. They are patient.
Bill Layman
Bahias de Huatulco, Oaxaca
Cartel violence is out of control. The ruling parties have not fixed this. We can guess why? My family is afraid to go out at night, drive on the roads, even go to Villahermosa for special items. Mexico will never acheive it’s goals without rule of law and we feel safe. I hear alot of we need to figure this out, but no solid plan or action dates and who will be accountable in the government. Fix it or resign.
Stop the demand of fentanyl and other drugs in US soil. They are so stupid no to heed the gold rule in economic of “offer and demand”. There are a heavy demand in the US for fentanyl and et al. Once again it has been a failure with their failed policy of war on drugs for YEARS. They loss that war. Now to be relevant they are shifting blame to Mexico when in reality they profit from it. Bunch of hypocrites. I have been a permanent resident for over 10 years and have been connecting the dot with all the lies coming for the USA Dept of
State. Now we have a puppet as President that only looks for headlines. Ignoramus. Mexico is a leader in Latin
America and the World….Trump just a leader of ignoramous.
Stopping demand won’t slow the cartels down – they’ll morph into new ventures overnight. They have to be eliminated. Full stop
I guess some people need knock others. Convicted Felon Trump is one of those people. He belongs in the Big house not the White Houses incarcerated with those Capitol attackers he released.
Hey Jimbo, it’s called supply and demand. If there’s no demand for fentanyl, I believe the supply would be irrelevant. But your dumb MAGA ass wouldn’t know the truth if a 2 by 4 smacked you in the face!
It seems to me the problems with cartels are only tangentially related to the acknowledged addiction problems north of the border. Eliminating addiction all over the world is NOT a solution to the problem of the cartels. They’ll morph into a different line of “work” overnight.
The cartels have got to be eliminated for Mexico to realize her rightful dream of a great and respected nation.
You have no clue have cartels work. You take one out, two fill its spot and fight over it. You can never, ever get rid of the cartels. They are like rats. The only thing you can hope to do is rope them in. And that is a laughable strategy.
You think us Yankees got rid of the mafia. it’s as strong as ever. It just changed its spots and how it operates. Guess who is running the fentanyl racket – the mafia. What a laugh. And the FBI has its new directive to spend its time on the southern border while we leave the nation open and exposed for the fentanyl trade to get bigger and more entangled in our cities, towns, schools, homes.
It’s not coming over the border but in container ships. And with the border patrols budget tied up on the southern border, there is bare minimal coverage on the sea. And the Coast Guard has no commander since the orange blob fired her. So they are without a command structure to combat the influx of fentanyl from ocean-side. We got skunked day one by a stupid strategy leaving us exposed because the felon and rapist wants an easy sound bite to feed to his mindless flock. What a moron.